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Dry Vs. Dehydrated & How To Spot The Difference

by Michaela Chanmugam |

If you’ve ever experienced dry or dehydrated skin, you’ll know how frustrating it is to deal with.

But rest assured, these skin complaints are incredibly common—especially amongst more mature skin types. However, while the two terms are often used interchangeably, they’re quite different and can therefore be cared for differently.

Here’s how to spot the difference…

Dry skin is a skin type that is often genetically predisposed—and characterised by inadequate oil production which contributes to chronic dryness. It is also common for skin to become more dry as we age given that oil production also naturally declines with each passing year. Our skin’s natural oil barrier plays a critical role in maintaining moisture levels and protecting our skin from external aggressors, which is why it’s essential to support this skin type which nourishing formulas that don’t strip away our skin’s natural oils. Powdery makeup, certain medications and harsh stripping products can all exacerbate this skin issue.


Dehydrated skin, on the other hand, is a skin concern characterised by a lack of water—either temporarily or chronically. Well-hydrated skin appears smooth and dewy on the surface, remaining plump, supple and bouncing back easily, indicating good elasticity. While epidermal dehydration affects the top layers of the skin and is indicated by crepiness or small lines that form when the skin is manipulated, dermal dehydration, in contrast, affects the deeper layers of the skin and this type of dehydration will result in deeper wrinkles visible on the surface of the skin and may also contribute to sagging skin.

While both epidermal and dermal dehydration can be caused by lifestyle choices such as smoking, medication or illness, a diet high in salts or stimulants, or environmental conditions which can cause loss of hydration—to remedy it, it’s essential to stay well-hydrated internally and also support your skin with moisture-boosting products that help to seal in moisture and lock in hydration.


Keeping Skin Healthy
The first step to treating your dry or dehydrated skin is to take a holistic approach and consider both your lifestyle and skincare habits. Only by piecing together the multiple potential causes can you effectively treat and ameliorate symptoms. However, quality topical skincare products are a great first step to healthier (more hydrated!) skin as they help to support your skin’s natural ability to defend and repair itself, restoring balance and maintaining moisture.

Some of our favourite products include our Soothing Serum and HydroStem, which are great for addressing dehydration while all of our HydroPeptide moisturisers, especially Face Lift and Power Lift, are great for improving barrier function to reduce dryness.

Explore the full range of HydroPeptide products here.




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